



Art Taipei 2012  台北國際藝術博覽會 11/9-11/12



展出地點:台北市信義路5號 世貿中心一館


11.9-11.12 10:30~19:00 (11.12至18:30)


首都藝術中心 展位 A15


靈山聖水 Holy Water 97x 130c m  2012 mixed media on canvas






-----大器、靈性 抒情抽象藝術家


徐畢華,專業創作三十年,自然山水是她的大導師,畫布與田園生活是她的修行道場!其飽滿的創作心靈來自音樂、舞蹈、游泳、寫作、花道、冥想、田園山水、文化經典多方滋養。2012她以<靈山聖水><覺之湖 ><漱玉 ><璀璨之流  ><徜徉紫色流域 ><日出月藏 ><愛如潮水>,展出她別具女性能量,與東方逸趣的「文人抽象畫」,色彩澄明,極富當代時尚思潮!她用筆獨具中國法書勁道及靈動線條,氣韻在奔放、凝練之間收放自如,更在動靜之間細微觀照「天、地、人」之微妙聯結,作品流露出大器、逍遙、幸福的能量。





日出月藏  Tao in Endless Succession 122x 100c m  2012 mixed media on canvas



Hsu’s arts have multiple cultural visions that reflect both Eastern and Western aesthetic vigor, as well as traditional and contemporary sustenance. Hsu’s uninhibited creativity is inspired by music, dance, meditation, natural scenery, and classical culture. Her life philosophy and creative style which emphasizes "reduction" provides energy to her "literary abstract paintings" which are grand, carefree, and spacious!


漱玉  Rinsing Jade 100x 80c m 2012 mixed media on canvas


愛如潮水  Love Tide 130x 97c m 2011 mixed media on canvas



Hsu is a prolific abstract artist who specializes in mixed media creation and cross-disciplinary collaboration. Her work consistently displays sophisticated execution of concept and exuberant passion for life. Her style contains western minimalism, bright colors, and the energetic rhythm of Chinese calligraphy.

As a professional artist for 30 years, Hsu’s works are shown are highly valued in many major international art fairs and exhibitions in Asia, U.S.A. and in Europe .


覺之湖  Awakening Lake 91x 142.5c m 2012 mixed media on canvas



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首都藝術中心 Capital Art Center


TEL  +886-2-2775 5268  FAX  +886-2-2775 5265



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